Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fertilizing Progress for the Future

Fertilizing Progress for the Future

The rapid growth in population and ongoing expansion of metropolitan areas continues to climb and spread as our numbers increase on a daily basis.  As cities, towns, and villages become bigger and more populous, needs rise for adequate living conditions, safe drinking water, and a sustainable supply of food.  In order to ensure that people have the necessities they require, public initiatives must be put in place that address these issues and put proactive measures into action so that population growth does not overwhelm us.

The United Nations’ World Prospects Population report estimates that approximately 74 million people are added to the global population each year.  According to the U.S. Census Bureau and International Data Base, if population growth rates remain the same, the projected global population in 2040 could reach upwards of 9 to even 11 billion.  As of October 31, 2011, we just passed the 7 billion mark.  For some city dwellers, it can already feel like we have arrived at the 2040 mark.  Congestion, trash, bad living conditions, and rising crime can further magnify these sentiments, which is why proactive action should be implemented now to ensure that we anticipate the future smartly and prepare this world for others who will take the reins, and soon. 

Sustainable energy alternatives, environmentally-friendly consumer products, and high yielding crop rotation are some of the crucial steps that need to be made if we are to keep our planet healthy for the incoming populations.  There are already a number of different organizations and institutions working hand in hand to try and solve some of the projected issues we may face.  Luckily, there are a select few who have taken the time to start their own initiatives and to support the sustainability of our planet in more globally and socially-conscious ways.

To learn about one of the proactive initiatives currently underway, visit the homepage of OurmillaSharma, an advocate for faster and more sustainable rice cultivation whose organization is focused on achieving sustainable rice production in the country

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